Banaba, or Lagerstroemia speciosa, is a tree native to tropical Southeast Asia. It belongs to the genus Lagerstroemia, also known as Crape Myrtle. The tree is widely distributed in India, Malaysia, and the Philippines, where it’s known as Jarul, Pride of India, or Giant Crape Myrtle. Almost every part of the tree offers medicinal properties. For example, the bark is often used to treat diarrhea while its root and fruit extracts are believed to have an analgesic, or pain-relieving, effect. The leaves contain over 40 beneficial compounds, of which corosolic acid and ellagic acid stand out. Though the leaves offer a variety of benefits, their ability to lower blood sugar levels appears the most potent and sought after.
Control blood sugar levels.
Diabetes - Early research shows that taking a particular banaba extract for 2 weeks lowers blood sugar by 10% in people with type 2 diabetes.
Prediabetes - Early research shows that taking a product containing banaba and cinnamon inner bark for 12 weeks may improve how well insulin is produced by the body in someone with prediabetes.
Banaba is POSSIBLY SAFE for most people. Be cautious with this combination, Medications for diabetes (Anti diabetes drugs) interacts with BANABA Banaba might decrease blood sugar. Diabetes medications are also used to lower blood sugar. Taking banaba along with diabetes medications might cause your blood sugar to go too low. Monitor your blood sugar closely. The dose of your diabetes medication might need to be changed.
Banaba seems to lower blood glucose in people with type 2 diabetes, according to very early research. It might help the body use insulin more efficiently.
Banaba leaves are primarily consumed as a tea, but you can also find them in powder or capsule form. As for the dosage, one study suggested that taking 32–48 mg of banaba leaf extract capsules — standardized to contain 1% corosolic acid — for 2 weeks may reduce blood sugar levels. However, more research is needed to determine the proper dosage. Therefore, it’s best to follow the instructions on the specific supplement you choose to take.
This information in our Herbal Reference Guide is intended only as a general reference for further exploration, and is not a replacement for professional health advice. Accordingly, this information should be used only under the supervision of a qualified health practitioner.